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Falcon General Manager: Do not exclude the first round of the election
Whenever the election is a rumored and error cheap jerseys for sale message, cheap nfl jerseys free shipping it is a hot topic when the team will trade in the draft.

Atlantan Femplay does not rule out to trade in this year's draft.

Falcon's first round of the first round of the first round of the first round, the team general manager Toms Dimitroff said that the up or down transaction is considered in the team.

"I think there is a lot of real interesting actions between Item 10 and 20," Di Mi Torov said in an interview. "I want to say that I will never rule out the transaction, because we are a very active team (in the past)."

"Even if this is said, there will be such a situation, given the depth of this year, this makes potential offices have created opportunities. Although I have been working here for a long time, we are not very active down the team. However, this year may be doing this this year, you may really consider going downwards and may obviously get two draft options in different locations, and then use these drafts to use the Dragonfly. "

After Vic BEASLEY, after determining the team, the rushing hand will be a key position to replenish. Since the 2016 season of the Falcon in the Super Bowl, they have never got a single-digit player. Last Safe Falcon's team has obtained 28 kills, the ranking alliance is second. In addition, Dimitlov also pointed out to reinvigify offensive front lines. The outside world believes that the angle and running guards need to be upgraded.

Due to the last season Di Mitlov and cheap nike nfl jerseys the team coach - Kuinn only achieved only 7 wins and 9 losses, the team is not expected to stay. This year, the outside world will pay special attention to the false fell. Although there are many excellent players in the array, there are still many vulnerabilities to be filled, and they are currently only $ 4.3 million in salary space.

Therefore, whether it is transaction, whether it is up or down, every decision in the draft is crucial for Dimitlov.

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