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Manzell's roommate is Josh-Gordon instead of Feng-Miller
Johnny Manziel said that he had found a roommate that helped him to return to NFL. At that time, Manzell said his roommate is a super bowl of the most valuable player von Miller.

But on Monday afternoon, Miller said that Manzell was in Titte, but his "brother" and he will support Manzel.

Informed people said that Manzell actually took advantage of Josh Gordon with Cleveland Brown.

Because of the violation of wholesale nfl jerseys online drug abuse, Gordon, cheap nfl jerseys from china who was banned by the ban on the ban, Cheap Jerseys NFL was previously applied to restore the appearance and wholesale jerseys still waiting for echo. But it is reported that Gordon has not passed the drug inspection.

On Saturday, Miller expressed his hope that Denver's wild horse was able to sign his Texas agricultural machinery university alumni Manzel. It is reported that the wild horse coach Gar Kubiak is indeed launched last week.

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